Ok, let’s discuss the volunteer model.
One of the most controversial and equally important characteristics of “urban chaplaincy” is the financial or income model. Should someone get paid or not?
If you want to derive income then the Traditional or Professional Chaplaincy model may be more suited to you. What deeply defines successful “urban” chaplaincy is that it holds to a financial enfranchisement model. At its core, urban chaplaincy / community pastoring is a neutral, unencumbered volunteer activity.
In Luke 10:1-8 Jesus gives some deliberately clear instructions about community engagement. In verse 4, it is clear in Christ’s community engagement model that it does not involve personal finances. However, it does focus on missional purpose. He instructs those going to travel light and avoid distractions. Including, alluding to personal resourcing and income and that they will discover their man of peace will house and feed them.
Now, of course this isn’t a carte blanche statement about ministry in general, rather this particular form of community engagement.
This is where urban chaplaincy thrives. Neutral, unbound, volunteer people serving Jesus willingly and gladly to further the reality of the Kingdom of God.
Enfranchisement means to be “unbound”, or free. In a business ‘franchise’ you are bound to the groups expectations.
Similarly in Kingdom mission, we need to ensure we are free from the binding constrictions of an employers expectations. Free in finance means both not to be bound (or held back) by finance and free from its controlling narrative. The kingdom message and action (Luke 10) deserves unfettered reach and influence and our ‘unboundness’ ensures that.
Do not underestimate the power of NEUTRALITY in today’s world.
In a world that is quickly showing its colors, and using monies to control missional outcomes and messaging, I am convinced Jesus wants this principle to flourish. That is, that we are actively committed to growing God’s kingdom without the need to make it a vocation or derive a wage. In fact, urban chaplaincy is a lifestyle to be lived out where ever we find ourselves, or what ever job we may be doing!
Now we can invite everyone in our congregation to live-out this role.
NB: It is a personal conviction of this author that our unwillingness to address this topic that has been one of the major limiting factors of the growth of God’s kingdom and the local church for many recent generations.
Now, hang in here with me!
The volunteer model (which many of us grew up on) has quickly faded from our Western missional mindset. Sad. But, I’m convinced this is not a healthy biblical view of seeing Jesus’ kingdom come!
I’m confident Jesus would rather want to see ‘000’s of effective kingdom builders over one or two paid faith community overseers. That is, of course, unless those paid faith community overseers are vigorously and actively training those ‘000’s of effective kingdom builders!
Yes, a missionary (worker) is worthy of a wage but for most people in faith community this doesn’t apply. It didn’t for the 70 Jesus sent out in Luke 10!
We need to rewire our strategic mindset with this kingdom mission principle. E.g. helping every worker, student, follower of Jesus (the 000’s) learn how to see Christ’s kingdom come where they are at! No wage needed.
Please don’t get me wrong…
Yes! Pay the EMPOWERS (the trainers). But volunteer the DOERS.
If you are a faith leader of a church or mission organization, let us return to the “equipping the saints” model found in Ephesian 4:11-12 (Emphasis 12) and not just by rhetoric!
Sadly, I think, more and more, our faith community leaders, of which I am one, have become the DOERS. We DO the ministry and our congregations watch (and clap). I get the sense that we have lost the art of empowering the HOW-TO’s with our congregations.
The parable of the Good Samaritan reflects this well with the inability of two religious leaders being capable or able to effect real kingdom come to the broken-nobody on the side of the road! Think about this for a moment. In Australia, those broken-nobody’s account for 97% of our population. How effective have we truly been?
That’s why at Urbanrevs we are passionate about our training helping church leaders re-discover the HOW-TO once again! And training their congregations to live out the kingdom where they are.
We absolutely love the local church and want to see it flourish God’s kingdom where they live.
If you feel its time for change please join us here!
Please note: Sometimes a community, club, business, group wants to say thank you to the urban chaplain in the form of paying them or gifting to them. In this case, we strongly advise that the community group make a donation to the local church or mission agency and then the church pass the stipend through to the urban chaplain using their usual lines of financial management. This way the urban chaplain remains disconnected from the payment. Keeping them neutral and supported. And if the community group can no longer make a payment/donation the community chaplain doesn’t loose “their” role/job as they would under normal circumstances. We can’t emphasize this enough. If you don’t, it will always end in tears.