Tools & Resources

You are welcome to take advantage of the growing list of resources and partners at Urbanrevs.



  • Urbanrevs certified course – Enroll Here
  • Urbanrevs newsletter subscription – Link
  • Understanding Referrals – Article
  • Referrals list (Australia) – Link

Recommended Partners

Manna Consulting – A fresh perspective

Manna Consulting is a Christian Ministry dedicated to walking alongside Kingdom Ministries and Churches providing tailored supports to enable them to flourish and see them realise the Kingdom impact they are called to have. Ask Chris how he can help you strategize beyond legacy thinking and engage Urbanrevs.

Evangelism in Australia

Tina Waldrom has some outstanding resources, blogs, podcasts and training courses. On Mission with God @Home is a recommended course for those eager to share Jesus at another level.

Life Bridge Community Chaplaincy

Life Bridge Community Chaplaincy is an interdenominational ministry that is committed to “being there…” as salt and light serving the community in public spaces.

Axx Global (Global Discipleship Network)

Axx Global have an amazing array of certified bible, theology and leadership training online. Formerly Harvest Bible College, Axx Global is committed to making training available to third-world countries around the globe.

Ministry Technology Partners

Steve Fogg Digital Marketing

Steve Fogg is a passionate and experienced digital marketing and communications professional who loves equipping leaders and overstretched causes to reach more people and create more impact online.

VIP Mission Hosting & Digital

VIP Mission Hosting & Digital is our digital marketing agency. A bespoke agency for churches, charities and businesses.

Love working together? Want to collaborate? Partner?