Training Urban Chaplains

Urbanrevs is a practical, quick, bible-based training course for people who want to be effective chaplains or powerfully relevant followers of Jesus in their workplace and community.

Who is it for?


Get better at pastoral care leadership for staff and suppliers


Learn to share Jesus with classmates


Refine your skill of affirmation to soften hearts towards Jesus


Learn to genuinely draw the best out of sports people


Introduce your faith to people in a powerful way through prayer


Have more meaningful and effective conversations with workmates


Lead conversation around grace and mercy based in Jesus


Discover how listening has the power to engage hearts


Get better at helping people respond to Jesus’ grace and mercy


Live out Jesus’ mission in the workplace intentionally


Comfortably invite a friend to place their trust in Jesus


Lead your congregation to actively influence their community

Live intentionally

What Will You Learn?

You will discover the power and art of ‘presence ministry’: How to make Jesus real. Learn the 5 P’s of Presence Ministry and 5 Practical Skills to use immediately! Discover the importance of facing discomfort to influence people. Become more confident to share Jesus’ grace and mercy in a authentic and meaningful way. Discover how to avoid common mistakes. Learn the importance of being “heart-ready” before you take action.

Serve authentically

The Advantage?

You can complete your Urbanrevs certificate course and assessment online at your own pace. You get 19 fast-paced lessons and a years access to any updates and promotional courses. You can even use your Urbanrevs Certificate as credit with our ministry partners, saving you money. If it suits, you can even trial Urbanrevs for free.

Minister effectively

Highly Successful

Urbanrevs is an adaptation of the hugely successful and recent community ministry model from Sports Chaplaincy Australia – A fully-tested and proven model which sees them responding to the growing demand for chaplains in local sports communities (over 15,000 and counting!).

Urbanrevs is a missional model designed to succeed in communities, which are often unreceptive, anti-religious, and even hostile. It has a record of success in these trying circumstances, because people crave grace and mercy, and communities genuinely value authentic pastoral leadership.

One CEO made a request for our services with the comment, “We don’t completely get what you do but it’s good. Can you help us find a chaplain for our 1800 football clubs?”

The target audience of Urbanrevs is ‘every’ community, not just those involved in sports. The course is designed for every follower of Jesus, not just chaplains.

Start the Course Today

What people are saying about the course?

For me, Urbanrevs was awesome. It has definitely helped me with my confidence in sharing. Thx heaps.

Rick D.
Local Church

Church leaders don’t miss this opportunity to train your people to live and serve effectively in urban mission.

Chris Dickons
Director of Community Impact

A good blend of prayerful reflection, business thinking and fun anecdotes made for a very productive strategic retreat.

Executive Team

Are you an ‘Everyday Hero’?

Urbanrevs are ‘everyday heroes’ – they’re  mums and dads, kids, grandparents, professionals, tradies – people who love Jesus and follow after him.

The term ‘urban’ has a broader meaning than just ‘city’ it means ‘where community gathers’; and the lower case ‘rev’ is a colloquialism for ‘a God person’ (not a capital ‘R’ Reverend).  That’s what we hope every follower of Jesus becomes in full measure: The ‘community God person’.

From God’s perspective they are the true ‘everyday heroes’ – people who make Jesus and his grace and mercy real to all those in their community, whether that community is a workplace, school, sports club, shopping centre, business, club or council. They take responsibility to direct people towards Jesus. They are not the experts, they point people to the “expert”. They just need a little instruction to get started and away they go!

So, why not become an effective, everyday hero today? Sign-up below.

Make the time to get busy on Jesus’ mission to see His Kingdom Come