PODCAST: One Mission. Christ’s Mission.

Tina Waldrom from Evangelism in Australia recently interviewed Cameron Butler about his story and the compelling need to mobilise the local church for Christs mission – to see his Kingdom come.

Tina said, “I laughed and cried through this interview at the great potential for the gospel in Australia right now. Cameron gives great insights for the church moving forward.” Adding, “He left the church to be the church. Don’t get me wrong, Cameron loves the local church but 25 years ago he felt compelled to take the gospel to the community somehow!”

“The Lord sent Cam on mission where he became the chaplain to the Melbourne Demons, an Australian Rules Football team. The stories he shares are enlightening and encouraging. From there he became the National Director of Sports Chaplaincy Australia where they saw demand for local chaplains rise to over 15,000 sports clubs. Today, Cameron is heading up the work of Urbanrevs globally – training and mobilising our congregations take the Kingdom of God to the community in fresh and exciting ways.”

Listen to the full podcast or video clip here.

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