Urbanrevs is deeply passionate to help the local church, including every follower of Jesus, where-ever they find themselves to get on with the mission of Jesus. That is, to see his Kingdom come – his grace and mercy made real and accessible to the whole community!
Because of the modular, open learning style of Urbanrevs, there are a number of ways to take advantage of the training in your local church or organisation. Try one of these 6 great ways,
1. Engage your eldership / key leadership team online with feedback
Many churches seek to create an Urbanrevs culture. Where every follower is active, year after year. One of the best ways to develop this is by first engaging your leadership team (eldership, board, small group leaders, department leaders, executive team, etc) in the online Urbanrevs Course.
Then give them time and space to debrief and discuss the content around the table, or a meal on a regular basis. Ask them to complete the course within a week or two and then spend a day debriefing. Else, over a month and have weekly feedback sessions. Then ask and discern, “Who just listened to the training?” and, “Who adopted and acted on the training in their own way?” Ask other questions like, “What did they like, dislike, were challenged on?” “How can our entire church adopt this culture, ongoing?” “How do we make this a part of our church long-termed?” “What part do the guiding principles play?”
The START, STOP, KEEP methodology works pretty well with this. What did we learn and need to START doing? What did we learn that we need to STOP doing? What do we need to KEEP doing?
It may challenge some from a more traditional missional / ministry mindset. But that’s OK. Once your leadership have gone the journey then have your congregation complete the course and provide round-table feedback.
Find a champion or two – usually 5 fold-ministry gifted people (Eph 4:11-12) – who have in their heart the equipping the saints for the work of ministry. They will most likely keep it front-and-centre. Else, as the Senior Minister, Executive Director, Owner, Manager you may have to be the champion of healthy Kingdom culture.
2. Train your trainer – then your congregation
Another option is to have a selected leader or two undertake the Urbanrevs Course. Try to pick people who resonate with reaching the lost mixed with good training ability. If you’re struggle with finding someone, pray and ask the “Lord of the Harvest…” Luke 10:2. That usually always helps!
Then have them complete our Master Trainers Class course (Classroom now, Coming online Q3-2021). This will equip them to deliver the training to your congregation. Senior Ministers are often well suited to this role. After-all, Urbanrevs is about adopting a modality which emphasize key paradigms. These are hard to adopt if senior leadership are unaware of them.
The good news here is that at this point your church or organisation can freely use our course material to run your own internal, self-branded training course, however you like. And, you can name it whatever you want! It just means that your students won’t receive an Urbanrevs Certificate upon completion. You can provide your church’s certificate!
Our work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Which means you can adapt and use the content freely with attribution to Urbanrevs Inc. but not sell the material for any commercial gain. For more information on this please see the License information here.
If you find this blesses you and your church or organisation, please feel free to make a donation to help us mobilise the local church across the globe. But of course there’s no obligation. We’re just thrilled that Jesus’ mission continues!
3. Classroom based mentoring
One of the exciting ways for a church to take a group of people through the Urbanrevs course is to run a classroom style weekly mid-week, or weekend meeting. Hamilton Central Baptist Church ran the program with a group of 12 running through 1-2 lessons a night for 1 hour. Half the time was watching the content, completing the assessments and the other half was round table conversation on what was taught (& caught). The facilitator regularly challenged the group to take responsibility to live out their spirit-filled lives with purpose and helped answer any questions. Each member paid the course fee and received a certificate at the end of the course.
[Direct individual online enrollment is recommended/preferred. However, if facilitators want students to manually enroll they can use the following Online Training Group Application Form PDF and then enter student data centrally online.]
4. Small Groups
Another great way to run Urbanrevs is in your small groups. It’s an adventure for everyone! It pushes people outside their comfort zone – challenging them to grow and get active for the Gospel of the Kingdom in ways that fit their unique shape. Remember, Urbanrevs is not a cookie-cutter approach to living out the Kingdom. It encourages people to allow God to use their unique personality, style, gifts and talents – but with purpose (not just to be nice!). The guiding principles outline the “WHAT” and the “HOW” is left up to the individual. They have freedom to live out Jesus’s grace and mercy in their style. But they will be challenged to take responsibility for those God has placed around them and ultimately present in both word and deed the message of the Kingdom authentically and intentionally.
The small group leader doesn’t need to undertake the online course first, however, it does help. They can run the training from their Urbanrevs account over 6-8 weeks (undertaking between 2-3 lessons per week) and facilitate conversation using the PDF workbook provided. A large monitor and internet connection is required.
Make sure to print out the PDF workbook provided in your account for your group – or simply use it to facilitate conversation around the lessons.
5. Individual Professional Development
You can pay for your staff and key members to undertake the online course. We can provide your organisation with a license pack to suit your requirements. Please contact us for assistance.
Urbanrevs also provides Urbanrevs.BUSINESS a consulting service to work with owners or executive teams to help your business become intentional in being a good steward of the Kingdom to your staff, clients, suppliers and stakeholders. Please contact us for more information.
6. Agency Partnership
Urbanrevs works with Chaplaincy organisations to provide bespoke credential training for their members and incumbents. As a requirement they direct their members to complete the Level 2 Urbanrevs Training and any other Specialised Modules for accreditation. These modules can be created in partnership with Urbanrevs. Please contact our partnership manager for further information.
If you have any good ideas or can think of other other ways to deliver Urbanrevs effectively please let us know by commenting below. You can also login here.
If you have any enquiries please contact us at team@urbanrevs.com for further assistance and advice.